Barion Pixel

Ez az írás két éve született.

Amikor a mostani felkérés kapcsán gondolkodtam, mi nekem az önismeret, úgy éreztem, ennél jobban nem tudom kifejezni. Mert elméletben írni az önismeretről nekem idegennek tűnik, ugyanakkor itt most minden olyan írás, ami csak rólam szól, szintén nem ideillő. Így találtam vissza ehhez az emlékhez:

Unfinished pilgrimage

 I walk.

My feet touching the Earth.

As I walk, the dry yellow grass becomes soft and green, covered with water pearls containing and mirroring the whole world, till the lacy crystals of frost transform the softness once again.

The dust of the hard dry soil turns into soft and slippery mud and then it gets hard again, but with a different, icey sound to it this time.

I walk and I hear dear Marie’s words and

The Circle of Love is expanding out far beyond my heart.

I listen.

I listen and I am mesmerized by the million sounds of silence and I hear my heart echoing over the fields.

I hear the sounds of the restrained breath of a deer family as they stop and the rustling vibrations of their hoofs as they run away.

I hear the birds singing, the river flowing, the leaves dancing, the cows quietly chewing on the hay,

I hear the clouds laughing in the Sky, the roots whispering under the Earth, the church bells ringing, walnuts falling and dogs barking.

I expand, I contract, I breath in, I breath out, I am.

I feel.

Ah, I feel so much I can’t take it all in, tears are running down on my cheeks,

I am burning in the Sun, I am cleansed by the Rain, fully melted in the Moon, held by the Earth,

I am disappearing in the gentle mirror of the cow’s eyes and in the Water of the lakes and I feel the strength of my bones and the pain in my flesh,

I am everywhere, I am everything, I am and I am not,

And I fly.

I see the abundant gifts of Life,

The wisdom of the Stones, the serenity of the Trees, the darkness of the Woods, the playfulness of Autumn, the footsteps of all Beings who have taken this path before and those who are still to come,

I see eagles flying high and effortlessly and bearing down with such clarity,

I see the motionless bodies left behind

And in the softness of Love, Life and Death are melting together.